
Bit About Me

The Camping Trip…

Chapter 1: At The Camp Rachel dreamt, she dreamt about their Camping Trip and that it was Today! Rachel woke up with a sudden jump! “I FORGOT TO PACK MY BAG!!! :O And I have to get to school at 09:00 And it’s…08:50… NOW!??!?!?!? WHY NOW!?!?!?” She raced on her clothes and ran downstairs. “MUM!!!…


So this is my second holiday FRANCE! So…. How do i start this? i went ages ago…. hmmmmmm Err Oh Yeah I know now We Went to France not on a Ferry but a… EUROSTAR! we did not have a sleepover their but it was still fun… hmmmmmm ‘then what happened? Err hm oh yeah!…

My Holiday!

I have been on holiday to Canterbury and have stayed there for two nights! it was quite fun! We went to three beaches one was rocky the other was rocky as well and the last one was nice and sandy! first we went to the two rocky ones and the last one was sandy we…

More News!

The STILL Quarantine news! This Is news at night Quarantine News! Breaking News!  It has been 6 Months in quarantine. Children are wondering when they will go back to school to meet their friends and teachers, here’s a child who wants to say something now!: “I Want to go back to school and see my friends!         and…

The Next News report!

The No School News. This Is BBC News. Breaking News! his It The No school News. Children Are Not Going To School Today Because Of This HARMFUL,DEADLY virus. Schools have been phoning Children parents to see if they are Okay And Well. That’s All from BBC News We Will Be Back After The Break! Goodbye!…

Corona VIRUS!!! 😦

corona virus is taking over the world. This Is BBC News! This Is Braking News Corona virus is taking over the world! OMG!!! This Means Every One Might Be All Sick! 😮 So The Cure Is EVERYONE WASH YOUR HANDS!!!! And That Was The News For BBC We Will Be Back Soon After The Brake!…

The vampire Headmaster! >:)

It’s another school day for Rachel! (Who is 11! years old now! and in year 7 as well!) Today she feels a bit worried because her best friend Kirsty is not in school with her. She gets out of bed normally and not how she usually gets out of bed ( jumped out of bed,…

How to make Yummy Cheese And Sweetcorn Pancakes! Yum!

Cheese and sweetcorn pancakes! (Very Easy! Most Of It Is Children work!) (Children work) First Make Your Pancake Mixture! Eggs, Milk, Plain Flour Only, Bit Of sugar, and some butter if you like.3. (Children work) Then In Your Mixture put some sweetcorn into it, However much you like a little or a lot! Then some…

Food Making

How to make your own crispy chicken Goujons ( If You Are A Child Making This You Might Want a Adult with you! ) 1) (Adult work) First get your chicken pieces and put it in you colander and wash make sure that it is boneless Cicken in strips. 2) ( Adult And Children work…


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