My Holiday!

I have been on holiday to Canterbury and have stayed there for two nights! it was quite fun! We went to three beaches one was rocky the other was rocky as well and the last one was nice and sandy! first we went to the two rocky ones and the last one was sandy we had our lunch in a lovely park a nice flowery one! 😊 👍 😉 😋 🥪 🥫 our lunch was yummy! It was Burgers with homemade chips and nesquick chocolate cakes and Stir fry rice! I went with my mum my dad, Sister, Brother and my little sister! The house was nice it had 2 bedrooms me my sister and my brother shared one and my mum dad and little sister where in the other one. *********** When we where at the beach ( the sandy one ) We made sandcastles and played with our beach ball and went into the water i went in ( the water ) And i went so deep that it was on top of my tummy!( that is very high! ) and Massive, Ginormous waves came and they went up to my NECK! ( almost! ) i loved my holiday! we went into a castle! And on the last day we went to see………. THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVERRRRR! It was very fun we went to the very edge and saw ferries and boats and cars going to France! ( we went to France too but that’s a whole other story!) we could even see France a little bit like a black shadow line across the river. The wind was very strong my dad was literally on the edge and we thought he would fall of! ( there was no gates! or something to not fall of! that’s bad! 😡 ) BUT The wind was blowing Backwards not Forwards so we would not fall of but still! so yeah that’s my holiday! i will update more later but until then Goodbyeeeee! ( UPDATE! ) = as well as that we did Rock Climbing! it was cooooool i climbed TWO ROCKS ( VERY BIG ONES! ) and i am very small but… i did it! that was the update i’m sorry not very long.! 😦

Published by Sarriday

Hello!, My Blog Is About Healthy Foods And Story's Also Things I Love To See And Do! I Hope You Enjoy And Like It! :) Please Like And Follow My Posts. I Will Really Appreciate It! ;) Hope You Like It! :)

7 thoughts on “My Holiday!

  1. 😂😂😂that’s quite a lovely holiday!!

    I’ve never been to the beach before and I haven’t swam 😂😂😂but I really love what you are doing!

    That’s great and awesome!!

    I’m glad your dad didn’t fall off!

    I’m so happy you enjoyed your holiday! So so happy!!🥳🥳🥳🥳😊😊😊😊

    But did you take any pictures? This post would have been sweeter with pictures! 😊


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