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The STILL Quarantine news! This Is news at night

Quarantine News!

Breaking News! 

It has been 6 Months in quarantine. Children are wondering when they will go back to school to meet their friends and teachers, here’s a child who wants to say something now!: “I Want to go back to school and see my friends!         and do my favorite subjects!          please can we go back?” this is good that children want to go back to school because they need to learn and know more and be intelligent and need to get ready for their SAT’s! 

News at night!

Shops have been reopening and towns are coming back to life like, Rainbows one second there here the next there gone! Restaurants and getting filled up with costumers the cue are Outside the shop! Just because of this scheme of ‘Eat In And Get 50% Off’ some of you’s might of heard of this fights have started because of this long cue to get food and 50% Off! We Will Be Back after the adds!! Goodbye!

Mr Tumble Add 

“Please Buy my Mr Tumble Teddies Buy one get one free! they are 5£! Cheep!”

Hello and we are back! This is N.A.N (News At Night)

Hello And we are back from the brakes about Mr Tumble… Hehehe! *Clears Throat*  *Ahem * Work places and office’s Staff are slowly coming together and are starting to come back to work and cinemas and Public places are not very popular now-er days and owners of public places are cleaning the seats,Tables,cups,plates,drinks,food,crisps and other things you touch.

Goodbye…….Forever. . . . or Not…

Goodbye and remember we will always be back this is…… NEWS AT NIGHT!!! 😀

Published by Sarriday

Hello!, My Blog Is About Healthy Foods And Story's Also Things I Love To See And Do! I Hope You Enjoy And Like It! :) Please Like And Follow My Posts. I Will Really Appreciate It! ;) Hope You Like It! :)

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