The vampire Headmaster! >:)

It’s another school day for Rachel! (Who is 11! years old now! and in year 7 as well!) Today she feels a bit worried because her best friend Kirsty is not in school with her. She gets out of bed normally and not how she usually gets out of bed ( jumped out of bed, bumped down stairs. ans slid across the floor! ) she walks down the stars and walks into the Kitchen and sits down. She opens a box of Coco Pops and pours some out *Tinkle! Tinkle!* goes the Coco Pops. She eats her Coco Pops, her little brother was eating toasted bread with butter… and jam next to her! Rachel thinks ‘My Brother is soooo weird!’ Her mother tells him to stop and gets Rachel’s lunch ready and says “are you excited today?”

“Err yeah i guess so…”

“I know your a tiny bit worried because Kirsty is not here today because shes a bit ill.”

“Yeah…” she says.

Then her brother butts in and shouts happily “WHAT! RACHEL WORRIED! HAHAHAHAHAHAH WORRY CAT!!!! WORRY WORRY WORRY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!”

“BE QUIET TOM!” Mum shouts and he went as quiet as a mouse.

She speed walks to the front door and says “Bye mum I am going now!”

“Bye I hope you will be alright!”

“Mhm!” She says and closes the door, she takes a deep breath in and out then walks to school thinking… ‘Who will I play with at school?’ ‘Who will i tell my worry’s to who will understand and make me feel better?’ all these thoughts flood her head but she pushes them way and walks faster and faster and faster. She got to school she went to class and did not say a word until she got to class because of the register.

“here miss.” she said

now I wont talk unless the teacher says’ she thought she got all her work done

“Wow Rachel that was quick! you can get a gold star and a prize from the box!

“Thanks Miss!” she said

“i know that Kirsty is your friend and that she is ill and you have nobody to play with so you can stay in the building or outside it realy is your say so!”

“It’s fine miss…i’ll stay outside…after work… if that’s… OK…*Sniffles quietly* her voice cracks

” Oh, it’s OK Rachel, Kirsty will be back to school as soon as she can OK?”

“Mhm… *Sniffles*”she says quietly

IT WAS A COINCIDENCE! Just after play time kirsty came back into school!

WHAT?!?!?!?!“She said shocked that the fact kirsty was back at school 5 minutes early at playtime

“I know this is a shock because i was not in for the first bit of school. It is because i did not want to go to school then for a bit i felt bored. Then i remembered you and quickly went to school and said i had a appointment they believed me and let me go. Also i pretended I was sick to not go and i snuck out Heh!” says Kirsty

” Wow.” Rachel says Sarcastically

*Awkward Silence*

“Anyways i am here now… :/”

*Another Awkward Silence*

*More Awkward Silence*

*Ding! Ding!*

*Ding! Ding!*

It’s work time.Rachel and kirsty Retrete Back to there classrooms and work… In Silence Bec……The…head……is…he…re. ( Because the headteacher is here. if you cant read that.) Then When everyone was head down Rachel and Kirsty Lifted there heads because there head hurts they saw the most strangest thing EVER IN THE WORLD! The Headmaster had vampire teeth! and a long black cape with pockets and talked weird they saw him and SCREAMED as loud as they could everyone in class looked up and SCREAMED too. The Headteacher Looked at them and couldn’t move but talk. So he couldn’t run away he said

“Shush! You will wake them up!”

“Who!?!?!?” The class shouted

“THEM!!” He said oh and the headteacher’s name was Alex

“Who?!?!” We whispered

“Ugh, The teachers!” Said Alex

“Whaaaaat????” We Said

“Hrmf you children don’t understand anything do you?” Alex said

“Nope!” We Said Happily and smiling

” You act like babies! 😡 The teachers are my lunch don’t wake them!” He Says

The classroom look at each other and says



“Your a vampire!!!!”

“am i?”



*Awkward silence*

“You children, do you know about vampires?”

“Err maybe…” says some of us

“I do.” said the most brainiest child of all

” I remember that if a vampire goes into light it will turn into stone?”

Everyone looks at each other and shakes their head

” Also i remember that sometimes SOMETIMES they are dreaming and when they wake up they will be normal…But i doubt it. Oh AND i remember…”

“He talks so much! *Sniggers*” Said someone

“Hey! Stop! Oh yeah and you have to shake, splat water, or shout in there ear to wake them up”

We tried 2 just one to go the water… *SPLAT* *SPRAY* *POUR* PHEW! Suddenly the whole room went bright yellow and went then Alex went back to normal and stopped talking funny and could walk

“Phew!” the whole room said relieved

“Why are you saying “Phew” for. HM!?” Said the teachers

“Ahem!” Said Alex

“HM!?!” the teachers said

AHEM!!!!” Alex said loudly

“HM!?!?” the teachers said Impatiently

“AHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shouted Alex

“huh? Oh, hello Alex! How are you?” They say normally

“These Rodents! have been trying to wake us from our noon nap!”

“Err These children have been… Helping me… and played a game called BOGEY! Which is who can say BOGEY the loudest i was playing too and forgot you where sleeping. Even the headmaster forgets things and is a bit silly sometimes! we are, Oh so sorry!”

“Ahh we forgive you but don’t let it happen again!”

“Yes!” We all said and Alex winked at us!


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this is alex!

That is Alex… if you want more adventures like, follow, comment Please!

Published by Sarriday

Hello!, My Blog Is About Healthy Foods And Story's Also Things I Love To See And Do! I Hope You Enjoy And Like It! :) Please Like And Follow My Posts. I Will Really Appreciate It! ;) Hope You Like It! :)

58 thoughts on “The vampire Headmaster! >:)

  1. 😂😂😂😂😂awww, so Kristy finally came back 😂😂

    And the Vampire scene was sooooo funny😂

    I really enjoyed this story. It’s a great one! I’m expecting more fun stories from you


      1. Mhm My Older Sister Is Helping Because She Hasn’t Written A Story In Ages! Also I Am Writing A Bit Too! But She Is Doing Most Of It. So It Will Sound More Exciting And My One’s Sound Boring. So You’ll Probably Like It More And Want More Story’s From Her. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think it would be best if you write the stories.

        Sarriday, I was once like you. I thought no one wanted to read my blog posts and care about my stories

        But I just took up my pen and started writing. Even though I wasn’t good and my first stories were very boring

        But as I continued writing and writing, I got better.

        I once had zero followers like you. And I wasn’t happy too

        But I just kept writing and hoping for the best.

        I just opened my blog on January and now I have 1133 followers, in just 6 months.

        You can have more than I did. You can beat my record and set new one. I believe in you Sarriday ❤️

        So now, I want you to write your stories by yourself. If it’s boring, I will still read it and love it. And I will tell you how to improv And you will get better ❤️❤️❤️

        Trust me Sarriday. Your smile is my inspiration 💐


      3. My Story Is That my first story (“The Deep Dreamer”) is just wrote it then said it aloud to my sister and mum and dad and they said to go onto wordpress and then write it down so i did and nobody followed for a while is was sad then i realised that i have to comment to different people! 😀 🙂 😀 then i commented you and you where my first follower! 🙂 That’s my story!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Hello! I Have An Update! (Again?! I Know! 🙂 ) This Story Is Based On a story made by someone else But in my own words. So It’s Kind Of from my brain and some is not… :/

        Liked by 1 person

      5. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼🤝🏼🤝🏼🤝🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼 sorry i am on laptop i never knew laptops had emojis!

        Liked by 1 person

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