How to make Yummy Cheese And Sweetcorn Pancakes! Yum!

Cheese and sweetcorn pancakes! (Very Easy! Most Of It Is Children work!)

  1. (Children work) First Make Your Pancake Mixture! Eggs, Milk, Plain Flour Only, Bit Of sugar, and some butter if you like.3.
  2. (Children work) Then In Your Mixture put some sweetcorn into it, However much you like a little or a lot! Then some cheese same with the sweetcorn a little or a lot
  3. (Adult work) WARNING CHILDREN! Adult work!! Adults Please Put The Fire On Children Step back! Put The Fire On Medium Heat and Pore some mixture in the pan and cook one side then the other when one side is done!
  4. Plate… up!!
  5. Finally… YOU GET TO EAT!!!! Nom Nom Nom! Yum! Tasty!
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Published by Sarriday

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